About Solar Schools
The idea started during the pandemic... My elementary school had recently installed a roof made of solar panels in the parking lot. On my daily jog, I would see that the solar roof was not only generating electricity, but also providing a shady and convenient place for owners of electric cars to charge in the evening. The solar arrays at the school benefitted not just the school, but also the local community.
After seeing this, I had a few questions of my own:
What would the environmental impact be if all schools in the US installed solar roofs?
As money is always a constraint, how can installation be executed in a cost-efficient manner?
What can students do to encourage schools to adopt solar panels?
These questions have driven me to:
Create a new data set - a ranking of every school in the nation by photovoltaic output (how much a solar panel at that location would produce)
Reach out to administration at the most promising schools, as well as others in the industry and politics, creating a network that can work together to create tangible change, faster!